
(636) 898-6725



We are a leading advisor in the ever -changing regulated and competitive energy market.

**Register Now for Early Bird Discount: BAI's 33rd Utility Ratemaking Fundamentals Conference**

September 4-5, 2024 -- St. Louis, MO

40 Years of Experience

About BAI

We provide consulting services in the economic, technical, accounting, and financial aspects of utility ratemaking. This includes development of cost of service, rate design and revenue requirements and all regulatory related matters that affect rates now and in the future. Our professionals have represented clients in thousands of utility regulatory and other rate proceedings involving most of the major electric utilities in the United States and Canada, natural gas distribution utilities and many water and wastewater utilities. We prepare special energy-related studies to assist in the corporate decision-making process. We also support legislative coalitions seeking to implement or alter legislation.


Our Company's Achievements & Values


Over 40 Years of Experience in Energy Consulting.

Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (BAI) is a leading advisor in the ever-changing regulated and competitive energy market

Rate Case Support

When a utility seeks to change the rates it charges to customers, it must present to the appropriate regulator, detailed justification concerning...

Legislative Support

As laws change in the energy industry, they can have significant impacts on costs for large energy consumers. Accordingly, it is in the interest of ...

Litigation Support

Disagreements about the proper application of utility tariffs, or performance under energy contracts, can sometimes require lawsuits for ultimate resolution...

Competitive Supply Management

Procuring energy in a competitive market can present both significant challenges and opportunities...

Regulated Supply Management

Navigating the regulated utility market requires a detailed understanding of the regulatory environment, including the ratemaking...

Unbiased and Objective Energy Advice!

Schedule a Consultation with Our Experts Today

We provide energy procurement and management services in the areas of regulated and competitive supply management. We have assisted clients in managing energy costs on an ongoing basis, consistent with corporate guidelines.  

WHY CHOOSE Brubaker & Associates

Over 40 Years of Experience
in Energy Consulting.

Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (BAI) is a leading advisor in the ever-changing regulated and competitive energy markets.  

Rate Case Support
Legislative Support
Litigation Support
Competitive Supply Management
Regulated Supply Management


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