Contracts Skyway

Supply Contracts

Execution DateSupplier ContractComments
10/6/2017Sales Confirmation Engie Resources1 MW On and Off Peak Block, Index Day Ahead, Term Jan 1-2018 - Dec 31, 2018
10/21/2016Electric Service Agreement1 MW ATC Block, Index Day Ahead, Term January 2017 - January 2018
11/5/2015Sales ConfirmationIndex Day Ahead Term Jan 1 2016 through Dec 31 2016
8/13/2015Sales ConfirmationIndex Day Ahead Term Sep 1 2015 through Dec 31 2015
7/6/2015MasterMaster Electric Energy Sales Agreement

Utility Tariffs

Effective DateUtility TariffComments
9/5/2017Rider EBAMEnergy Efficiency Demand Response Balancing Adjustment Mechanism
9/5/2017Supplement to Rider EBAMRider EBAM Adjustment
9/2/2017Rate DSPPDelivery Service Pricing and Performance
9/2/2017Rate RDSRetail Delivery Service
9/1/2017Rider TaxMunicipal and State Tax Addition
8/18/2017Rider EEPPEnergy Efficiency Pricing and Performance
8/18/2017Supplement to Rider EEPP Energy Efficiency Adjustments
8/18/2017Supplement to Rider UFIncremental Uncollectible Cost Factors
7/25/2017Supplement to Rider ECREnvironmental Cost Recovery Adjustment
7/11/2017 Rider REARenewable Energy Adjustment
7/11/2017 Rider ZEAZero Emission Adjustment
7/11/2017Supplement to Rider REARenewable Energy Adjustments
7/11/2017Supplement to Rider ZEAZero Emission Adjustments
4/27/2017Supplement to Rider FCAFranchise Cost Percentages
4/13/2017Supplement to Rider EDAEnergy Efficiency and Demand Response Adjustments
4/12/2017Rider EDAEnergy Efficiency and Demand Response Adjustment (cancellation filing 6/1/2017)
3/27/2017Supplement to Rate DSPP Delivery Service Charges
12/9/2016Supplement to Rate BESH, Rate RDS, and Rider PE Distribution Loss Factors
12/9/2016Supplement to Rate RDS and Rider SBOSingle Bill Option Credit
12/28/2015Rider RCARetail Customer Assessments
9/14/2015Rider LGCLocal Government Compliance Adjustment
9/11/2015Rider UFMarket Settlement Service
2/13/2014Rider FCAFranchise Cost Additions
6/20/2012Rider DSPMDelivery Service Performance Metrics
8/22/2009Rider ECREnvironmental Cost Recovery Adjustment