Dental Care

Proper dental care is an essential part of your pet’s health. Routine teeth cleanings are vital to your pet’s oral health needs. If neglected, it can lead to invasive procedures and extractions. When applicable, we are proud to offer affordable, non-anesthetic teeth cleanings from our friends at Pet Dental Services. 

Does your pet have smelly breath? Is your dog having trouble eating hard food? Are your cat’s gums inflamed? If the answer to any of those questions is yes your pet might need to see the pet dentist. Just like people, our pets need to have clean teeth.

Boca Veterinary Clinic performs multiple oral surgical procedures every day. We use the latest cleaning and surgical techniques. Our veterinarians have done extensive training in pet oral surgery. Furthermore, our vets are supported by cutting-edge technology such as HD oral radiographs. Please let us know if you have questions about your pet’s oral health.

Anesthesia-Free Dental Care

When was the last time you had a teeth cleaning? Your pet probably needs one also. Give your pet’s teeth the same care you give your own! Pet Dental Services is one of the nation’s top providers of non-anesthetic teeth cleanings. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or discuss the benefits of routine oral care while they are still awake. 

Advanced Veterinary Dentistry

If your pet’s needs surpass the general routine cleaning. We are able to provide dental radiographs and consultations with veterinarians who are passionate and highly skilled in dentistry.

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