
We strive to offer your pet the best veterinary care in Boca Raton. That is why we focus on wellness and preventative medicine. Routine care is the most important aspects of your pet’s routine healthcare regiment. With proper routine checkups, your pet’s health is able to be at its best. Routine checkups serve not only to maintain a healthy status, but also to catch any possible healthcare issue early. We aim to keep your pet safe and healthy, and recommend a visit every six months.

Our wellness visits at BVC may include vaccinations, comprehensive physical exams, diagnostic blood paneling, body mass index scoring, urinalysis, and monthly parasite prevention. Every aspect of a comprehensive veterinary medical exam serves to ensure that your four legged family members are happy and healthy. Another benefit of wellness care is the ability to catch potential conditions that could be harmful to your pet’s well being. Just like your car is taken in for a tune-up, your pet needs to be seen for checkups. Stop in today to meet with one of our doctors for a wellness exam!

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