Special Announcement (we can turn this on or off)


Joe’s Place provides a home for up to five students per school year. Residents live at the house under the supervision and guidance of two house parents, who work together with the board of directors and the program committee. The residents are given a loving home, regular meals, tutoring, professional counseling, transportation, and a support system with an emphasis on high school graduation, college, and career readiness. 

This program focuses on high school seniors within our resident program. Under the guidance of our case manager and Director of Student Services, participants receive intensified preparation for post-secondary education and career readiness. They also receive additional mentorship, application assistance, and counseling to prepare them for college, trade school, or military enrollment.

The graduate program is supported by a case manager who works with our alumni who find themselves unhoused during the summers, in between semesters, right after graduating from post-secondary education programs or during other transitional periods.  Participants receive assistance with post secondary and career counseling, life skills, housing, and mental health support. This supplementary layer of support ensures our graduates will maintain a connection to Joe’s Place and benefit from relationships and services as they pursue independence. This is vital to help our participants avoid housing instability as they pursue healthy, independent, and rewarding futures.

This program supports our resident and senior program participants.  Our case manager and MRH Director of Student Services help link each participant with extraordinary summer enrichment camps that offer life-changing experiences.  This concise program provides many services with high impact in a short amount of time.  Summer enrichment camps also provide new experiences to help determine educational and career goals; introduce and develop new hobbies and interests; and provide safe housing and meals in the summer. Current camp companies utilized for this program include Outward Bound, Wilderness Adventures, and Ecology Project International.